There is little doubt that America’s infrastructure is lacking, if not close to crumbling. The American Society of Civil Engineers 2017 Infrastructure Report Card gives its condition a grade of D+. Other disturbing notes from the study estimate it would require $3.7 trillion by 2025 to raise the grade to a B, a $2 trillion increase over current spending. Even in today’s combustible political atmosphere, voters across party lines support the federal government investing in infrastructure modernization, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. With the creation of Freight NYC, New York acknowledges that its aging marine, rail and highway infrastructure won’t be able to keep up with the city’s population growth. This is especially true of highways, since 90% of the city’s freight moves on trucks. The plan estimates that local freight volumes will rise by 68% by 2045. Traffic congestion alone cost the local economy $862 million. Just as an efficient supply chain is measured end-to-end, Freight NYC is aiming at an end-to-end solution to the city’s infrastructure woes with three key points: an investment in multimodal operations, new freight distribution hubs and last miles emissions.

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